artistry of our authors

Trade Paperback
ePub |
Publisher: new72publishing
Publication date: November 2017
Pages: 258 | Size: 6x9 | Print Type: B/W
ISBN: 978-1-946054-04-3| eBook ISBN: 978-1-946054-05-0

“I Know Now” is a three part story that begins with an attack on a young woman by a stranger in the middle of the night. This attack lasts over three hours, yet she miraculously survives attempted rape and murder by thinking quick and keeping him off guard. Many years later, she experiences the trauma of PTSD. As a mother of two, feeling vulnerable and frightened, she struggles to keep both her sanity and her family together. Then one night, hopeless, she surrenders to the madness and the darkness. Magical and mystical forces appear and guide her through a sacred healing. Now, thirty three years later, she answers the calling to share her story. Using a process she refers to as sacred insight, she looks back and sees for the first time the signs, warnings and guidance that were there from the start and continue up through today. What she learns awakens her to a new realization. She knows now that what happened held a purpose and was all in preparation for her to become the woman...teacher...healer...she was always destined to be.

"I know now, that there is hope after violence...that can lead to victory. There is healing after trauma...that can lead to truth."
~ Cinda Stevens Lonsway

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